The Danish side will require the services of two subsistutes at Dreamhack Summer 2016, which will be starting Saturday in Jönköping, Sweden, after the departure of Jacob “Pimp” Winneche to Liquid and due to Emil “Magiskb0Y” Rief having to tend to out-of-game affairs. Brought in to substitute for Jacob “Pimp” Winneche will be Lukas “gla1ve” Rossander, who has become the go-to subsitute in Denmark as of late. Rossander will also be playing two weeks after Dreamhack Summer at ESL One in Cologne, standing-in for Astralis at the Major.
gla1ve to stand-in for SK in Jönköping The second substitute will be newcomer Valdemar “valde” Bjørn Vangså, for who this event will be the largest he will have played at. Vangså will be taking the place of Emil “Magiskb0Y” Reif, who will be missing the tournament due to having to attend to final exams. SK will field the following five players in Jönköping:

[Source: hltv]Michael “Friis” Jørgensen
Andreas “MODDII” Fridh
Asger “AcilioN” Larsen
Lukas “gla1ve” Rossander
Valdemar “valde” Bjørn Vangså