1. LoL: Longzhu beats Jin Air 2-0 in LCK Week 1 Day 2 2. HoTS: VortiX and LucifroN retire from HoTS 1. LoL: Longzhu beats Jin Air 2-0 in LCK Week 1 Day 2
All Star Korean team, Longzhu, went 2-0 in the second day of the LCK, sweeping Jin Air with slight difficulty. Game 1 was a tight affair, with a total of 12 kills in a 45 minute long game. Jin Air tried to hang onto the game, but was no match for Cpt Jack’s Miss Fortune, who racked up a 4-1-3 scoreline. In Game 2 , Longzhu stepped up a notch, sweeping Jin Air 17-4.
Definitely an impressive feat for a team playing with their substitute roster! [Source: OGN] 2. HoTS: VortiX and LucifroN retire from HoTS
Juan “
VortiX” Moreno Durán will retire from Heroes of the Storm, and make the switch back to StarCraft II while his brother Pedro “
LucifroN” Moreno Durán will be retiring from professional play to continue his bachelor degree according to Team Liquid’s recent announcement. The Durán brothers had a decent 2015 in HoTS, being the only team to take a game off MVP Black during the MSI MGA tournament and were part of one of the strongest European HoTS team at the time. [