Febiven discusses about Deilor leaving the team

Esports Asia News
Fabien “Febiven” Diepstraten said that he never agreed with Luis “Deilor” Sevilla’s coaching style in an interview with Red Bull esports. In a follow-up tweet to a fan question, he also commented that it may have been a partial factor in Kim “Reignover” Yeu Jin and Heo “Huni” Seung-hoon’s decision to leave Fnatic.
In an interview with Red Bull’s Karina Ziminaite, Febiven said that Fnatic is working better without Deilor as head coach, though he did admit there were good sides to Deilor’s focus on out-of-game improvements. “I just never really agreed with how Deilor worked,” Febiven said. “I’m just really motivated because we have Nico now and he can sort out our stuff.” Fnatic recently dropped their old coach, Deilor, and replaced him with assistant coach Nicholas “NicoThePico” Korsgård, formerly Origen’s head coach. At the time, Deilor stated that he felt he wasn’t able to fix the team’s problems, and Febiven said that he can already see Nico’s style improving the team. “I think Nico has lots of game knowledge, like he can actually make a team play together and tell them, ‘You should go to Baron now, you should go to Drake now, you should put vision down,’ and that was something we really lacked because Deilor wasn’t really putting us together as five,” Febiven said. “He wasn’t telling us every play, like ‘Hey guys you should go as five now, you should go top and push the wave then go mid.’ He was more like suggesting stuff like, ‘Why don’t you flash there, why don’t you do that, why don’t you do that,’ and then you get a conversation between the players, but usually you don’t get an agreement then.”
Following the interview, Febiven took to Twitter to explain that he could have explained his issues with Deilor’s coaching style better, and may write a blog post detailing the problems. However, he then answered a fan who asked him if Deilor’s coaching style impacted Reignover and Huni’s decision to leave the team. Febiven tweeted that Deilor’s coaching style was a partial factor in their decision to join Immortals instead of sticking with Fnatic for the 2016 season. According to Febiven, when Deilor left the team house the team’s cook, Deilor’s girlfriend, left a well, and they’ve been ordering in food instead. Part of Deilor’s coaching style was promoting a healthier lifestyle, but Febiven told Ziminaite that he prefers NicoThePico’s focus on in-game strategy. “Nico is a really nice guy and I think he’s a better coach for us because I think Deilor was too try-hard and wasn’t really helping us that much with in-game stuff because he obviously doesn’t play League, but his stuff outside of the game was, I can see it actually has an impact,” Febiven told Ziminaite. “How your schedule works and how you eat and stuff, if you go to the gym, I think he had good sides but things were lacking. I think the things he brings are not going to change a player’s skill level. “If I go to the gym once, I’m not going to be a better player.”   [Source: TheScore]

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