Immortals win Northen Arena

Esports Asia News
Immortals prevail over Cloud9 in the Northern Arena grand final (2-1; Cobblestone 16-12, Train 12-16, Overpass 16-11) and claim the $50,000 first place prize. The match between the two finalists started with an interesting pistol round in which Wilton “zews” Prado showed he came prepared for Cloud9, as he read their drop room tactic and stopped it by stacking four of his teammates around the area. Immortals took the first three rounds, Cloud9 replied with one, but Henrique “hen1” Teles’s AWP triple quickly reset the economy of the North American team at a 4-1 scoreline. Even though they were on a very weak buy, Cloud9 managed to get back on the board by a combination of good flashbang work and Jake “Stewie2K” Yip’s headshots. From that point onwards, it was Cloud9 with the lead and the initiative in the first half. felps was one of the crucial players on Cobblestone Cloud9 ended the half with a solid 9-6 lead as Terrorists on Cobblestone, but a good part of their rounds came as a result of clutch plays such as the Tyler “Skadoodle” Latham and Timothy “autimatic” Ta one in round 12, where the two of them combined for all five kills. Ta had another great clutch in round 22, where he outmaneuvered  Joao “felps” Vasconcellos and utilized grenades intelligently to win a crucial 1v1 situation. In the end, all the clutches weren’t enough as the trio of Ricardo “boltz” Prass, Vasconcellos and Teles pushed Immortals to a 16-12 victory on their map pick. Coming into Train it was Cloud9 to win the pistol round as Terrorist, allowing them to grab a good 4-0 lead to start the map. Immortals recovered and tied it 6-6 when Teles clutched an important 1v1 versus Yip. In the end, the Brazilians took six rounds in the row to end the half with a 9-6 lead as Counter-Terrorists. Coming into the second half, it was Ta once again to clutch – this time a 1v2 situation in the pistol round. n0thing, Skadoodle and autimatic won important 1v1’s on Train A couple of force-buy rounds followed: Immortals took the first one with a A site push, Cloud9 almost replied in the following one, killing all Immortals members on the B site but running out of time to defuse, but followed it up with another one in which Latham saved his team with an ace-clutch. Towards the end of the map, Jordan “n0thing” Gilbert and Mike “shroud” Grzesiek managed to win two more important 1v1 clutches to close out the second map 16-13. Coming into Overpass Immortals had a good 3-0 start, but their momentum was stopped by a long technical pause. When the match was resumed, the third round was replayed, but this time Cloud9 managed to win it – with only default pistols. Cloud9 used the momentum to get a six-round lead, but Prass’s side managed to grab the last three rounds of the half to end it 9-6. After the switch, the Brazilians managed to get to a 11-9 lead before Cloud9 took their first Terrorist round off the back of an unfortunate Teles team kill on the A site. However, Immortals kicked it into a higher gear after that and closed out the match with five straight rounds and a scoreline of 16-11.

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