LoL: SKT wins LCK The reigning world champions defeated favorite ROX Tigers 3-1 in the League Champions Korea Spring Final. Korea’s most decorated organization leapt to an early start in Game 1, shutting out the Tigers thanks to a poor level 1 that set ROX AD carry Kim “PraY” Jong-in behind. The Tigers came back in Game 2, but SKT kept them at bay in Games 3 and 4 with stronger teamfighting and coordination, overcoming the Tigers’ much-touted synergy. This marks SK Telecom T1’s third consecutive LCK title. SK Telecom T1 will next head to the 2016 Mid-Season Invitational join Flash Wolves in pursuit of a title that eluded them last year, along with G2 Esports, Counter Logic Gaming, Royal Never Give Up and an International Wildcard representative yet to be decided. SKT’s winning lineup and likely starting roster for MSI consists of top laner Lee “Duke” Ho-seong, jungler Kang “Blank” Sun-gu, mid laner Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok, AD carry Bae “Bang” Jun-sik, and support Lee “Wolf” Jae-wan, with substitute jungler Bae “bengi” Seong-woong. Their first MSI match will take place on May 4, against the IWCI representative. [Source: TheScore]
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