Na`Vi, LGD-Gaming advance to SL i-League Winner’s Final

Esports Asia News
Dota2: NaVi & LGD reach the finals n the first semifinal match of the day, LGD-Gaming took on Alliance in a WCA 2015 Grand Finals rematch. This time, Alliance fell to the Chinese squad whose Day 1 momentum and fine form continued. The first game looked to be going Alliance’s way, but once Agressif’s Ember Spirit and Maybe’s Invoker built up substantial farm, things quickly turned in LGD’s favor. Alliance formed a tenuous lead in Game 2 and managed to eke out a win, but LGD didn’t make it easy. Loda’s Slark was forced to build very defensively, opting for Blink/Black King Bar/Linken’s Sphere instead of a more damage focused build. In their final showdown, LGD-Gaming were completely in control. xiao8 took s4’s Puck away from him and found a solo kill in the offlane, while September’s rotations on Enchantress ensured that both Agressif’s Spectre and Maybe’s Death Prophet won their lanes. Things went downhill from there and Alliance called GG with a 13-39 kill deficit 37 minutes in. Next up was the hometown favorites Na`Vi facing one of the strongest teams in China so far — Vici Gaming Reborn. The crowd’s boundless energy seemed to power up Dendi, who had some of his best performances in a long time. His Queen of Pain continuously killed Mikasa’s Death Prophet early in Game 1, with SoNNeikO’s Io keeping him alive every time. At the end, David “LD” Gorman called the game “outrageously one-sided”. The second game went much better for VG-R early on, but Na`Vi didn’t get bowled over. It only took a few well executed team fights in which they took out Yang’s Dark Seer early on (removing the threat of a Wall combo) and soon Dendi’s Windranger and Ditya Ra’s Lycan were styling on VG-R, securing a 2-0 victory. Three teams will be eliminated tomorrow, with just one team out of VG-R,, Alliance and OG making it through to the Loser’s Finals on Sunday. The day will be wrapped up with LGD-Gaming and Natus Vincere facing off in the Winner’s Final match.   [Source: TheScore Esports]

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