It is with great joy that I can finally announce my role at Yahoo Sports where I will be working as a part of the newly formed Yahoo Esports team. Though I have only been “off the grid” for a few weeks, it’s great to finally talk about how excited I am about all of this! For those of you who are tuned into the sports world, you may be aware that Yahoo Sports is one of the biggest sports sites on the web. The chance to work alongside (and learn from) the award-winning writers and producers here is an incredible opportunity for me and I know that it will lead to awesome esports content as everything continues to rev up here. Historically, some in the sports industry have looked at esports with a certain amount of skepticism. In stark contrast, I have found that everyone here is incredibly excited and supportive about the creation of this whole thing: from directors, product folks, executive producers, up to the VP of Sports. It’s this commitment and enthusiasm that ultimately lead to my decision to join up.[Source]
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